Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Master Gardeners Now Offering FREE Xeriscape Garden Tours

Come learn more about our magnificent Xeriscape garden and how you can start your very own! Ulster County’s Master Gardener’s are now offering free tours of their award winning Xeriscape Garden located in front of the Jacob A. Hasbrouck Building on the SUNY Ulster Campus in Stone Ridge. This garden was established in 2000 and includes several impressive varieties of plantings. Tours will be guided by trained Master Gardener’s and are available evenings and weekends for groups or one-on-one. Take in the sights of our spectacularly lush and colorful garden that features flourishing perennial herbs, robust shrubs and captivating flowers.

The Xeriscape Garden is an interactive teaching tool in the selection of heat tolerant, water-wise plants, integrated pest management and alternative landscaping techniques. Master Gardeners will explain the principles and eco-benefits of this drought resistant garden design and planting techniques which help to create this incredible gardening spectacle. All participants will receive a comprehensive list of water-wise plants.

For more information or to schedule a tour please call Master Gardener Coordinator, Dona Crawford at 845-340-3990 or email dm282@cornell.edu.


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